sanitary pad manufacturing Guwahati

Sanitary Pads

sanitary pad manufacturing Guwahati
sanitary pad manufacturing Surat

Sanitary Pad Manufacturing in Guwahati

Go Girl Sanitary Pad Manufacturing is a company that supports women’s health and is based in Guwahati. This article examines Go Girl’s commitment to creating sanitary pads.

Only 10r / 2 packets 80 ml absorption,22r (280 mm Straight pad ), only in  29/r( 240 mm straight pad) contact us at +91 7249872411 , we supply and manufacture sanitary pads in Bhopal, Indore, Lucknow, Madhya Pradesh also we manufacture sanitary pads in Rajasthan.

Supporting Women's Health and Confidence

  • We are dedicated to providing high-quality, affordable sanitary pads designed to meet the needs of women and girls in the

The Importance of Sanitary Pads

Sanitary pads are essential for maintaining good menstrual hygiene. They help absorb menstrual blood, keeping you feeling clean and comfortable during your period. Good menstrual hygiene is important for overall health and well-being. It can prevent infections and discomfort.

Challenges with Access to Sanitary Pads

Unfortunately, access to sanitary pads can be a challenge for many women and girls in India. This can be due to several reasons, including:

  • Cost: Sanitary pads can be expensive, especially for those living in poverty.
  • Availability: Sanitary pads may not be readily available in all areas.
  • Stigma: There may be a stigma around menstruation, making it difficult for girls and women to talk about their periods or access sanitary pads.

Guwahati's Sanitary Pad Manufacturers: Making a Difference

Sanitary pad manufacturing companies in Guwahati are working hard to address these challenges. Here’s how they’re making a positive impact:


  • Affordable Sanitary Pads: Many Guwahati manufacturers offer a range of sanitary pads at different price points, making them accessible to women and girls of all income levels.

We increased availability

  • Increased Availability: These manufacturers are working to increase the availability of sanitary pads in Guwahati and surrounding areas.
  • Breaking the Stigma: Guwahati’s sanitary pad manufacturers are actively involved in raising awareness about menstrual hygiene and breaking the stigma around periods. This includes educational programs and community outreach initiatives.

Benefits of Guwahati-Made Sanitary Pads

There are many reasons to choose sanitary pads manufactured in Guwahati:


  • High Quality: Guwahati manufacturers use high-quality materials to ensure their sanitary pads are absorbent, comfortable, and leak-proof.
  • Variety of Options: They offer a wide variety of sanitary pads to suit different needs and preferences. This includes pads in various sizes, thicknesses, and absorbency levels.


why support is important

  • Supporting Local Businesses: By choosing Guwahati-made sanitary pads, you’re supporting local businesses and the Guwahati economy.


  • Focus on Sustainability: Many Guwahati manufacturers are committed to using sustainable practices in their production processes. This includes using eco-friendly materials and reducing their environmental impact.


Empowering Women and Girls

Sanitary pad manufacturing in Guwahati is making a positive impact on the lives of women and girls in the region in several ways:

  • Improved Health: Increased access to sanitary pads can lead to improved health outcomes for women and girls.

We always looks for your comfort and confidence

  • Increased Confidence: When girls and women have access to sanitary pads, they can participate more fully in school, work, and social activities without worry or discomfort. 
  • Breaking the Stigma: By openly talking about menstruation and providing education about sanitary pads, Guwahati manufacturers are helping to break the stigma around periods.

Finding Guwahati-Made Sanitary Pads

Sanitary pads manufactured in Guwahati are available for purchase at many stores across the city. You can also find them online at the websites of individual manufacturers.

Get Involved!

Many Guwahati sanitary pad manufacturers are involved in community outreach programs. These programs aim to raise awareness about menstrual hygiene. If you’re interested in learning more about these programs or how you can get involved.